Stock Donations

The benefits of donating stock to The Miracle League of CT

If you’ve held your securities for more than one year, your gift to The Miracle League of CT   will create a valuable income tax decuction.

Since the securities are donated in-kind, captial gains taxes do not apply to the transfer.

You can direct your gift to The Miracle League of CT for our general program and operating fund, to a specific prorgram that we offer, or to the Miracle League of Southeastern CT Field Construction Fund, whatever means most to you.

Ready To Get Started?

RBC Wealth Management  DTC Number 0235

Account Number: 32893407

Name of Account: Miracle League of CT, Inc.

Contact Person(s) if you should have questions:

Kevin Tabellione, CFP – 860 657-1747

Deb Ingraham – 860 657-1747

To download a PDF of the above information to share with your broker click  HERE 

Then, contact us at The Miracle League of CT office at 860 461-1501 or by email at to let us know how you would like your gift to be directed.

Lastly, let us know where to send to proper documentation and thank you letter so that you can maximize the tax benefits.

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